Duration: 60 min.
Premiere: 2022 08 21
Dancers: Ema Senkuvienė and Marius Eidrigevičius
Performers and co-authors: Ernesta Žemaitytė, Laura Stadalninkaitė, Rosita Aleksejunaitė, Eduardas Saprykinas, Marijus Tamošiūnas, Simonas Kriaučiūnas.

Is it easy for you to travel without Google Maps? To make connections? Speaking in front of a big audience? Or to communicate without words? For some it may seem like a huge challenge, for others, it may seem like an inspiration. What is new, unfamiliar, and difficult for some, is ordinary and easy for others.

The performance "Is it easy?" explores the possibilities of each of us to contact another person, to ask for help, to love, to empathize, the need to feel support, to have a friend, the right of each of us to be angry, to worry, to not understand, to be disappointed. Autobiographical stories of the project participants here become choreographic etudes of communion, sharing, symbolic rebirth, and hope, in which the creations of the participants sound - poetry, storytelling, sung poetry, and movement.

The movement performance highlighting the differences and (dis)abilities of each of us is created by performers with various (dis)abilities together with professional Lithuanian dancers Ema Senkuviene and Marius Eidrigevičius and choreographers Inna Falkova and Maria Bakalo from Ukraine.

This is a project of the Kaunas City Chamber Theater and "Kaunas 2022", which aims to actively involve and encourage the creation of people with disabilities in the performing arts. Performers and co-authors of the movement performance: Ernesta Žemaitytė, Laura Stadalninkaitė, Rosita Aleksejunaitė, Eduardas Saprykinas, Marijus Tamošiūnas, Simonas Kriaučiūnas.

Supported by Kaunas City Municipality.

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