Golden Dragon (N-16)

Director: Agnius JANKEVIČIUS
Duration: 2 val.
Premiere: 2023 06 09
04-17 Thursday
Big Hall
Director: Agnius JANKEVIČIUS
Translator from German: Jūratė Pieslytė
Photographer: Viktorija Lankauskaitė

Tragicomedy is based on the play of the same title, written by German playwright Roland Schimmelphennig.

The characters of the play are residents of the same apartment building, on the first floor of which is a Chinese fast food restaurant. They share not only a common staircase and addiction to Chinese food but also a secret - the death of two illegal migrants from China, a brother and a sister. It turns out that they simply do not exist as individuals in society - no document confirms their presence: "No document - no person".

The show highlights the role of the observer encoded in human nature: we seek entertainment, enjoy gossip, constantly observe and consume the lives of strangers as if it were fast food.

"The Golden Dragon" is a hangover of conscience in the chaos of the global world. About the manifestations of humanity in the life of modern society, where existential guilt collides with the paradox of everyday habits - this is a symptom of an overconsumed European society lost in freedom and opportunities.

Producer - "Mens publica" Theater
Co-producers: VDU Theater and Kaunas City Chamber Theatre

The project is partially financed by the Lithuanian Council of Culture.

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