A party with the personificated death, based on Lithuanian mythology and folklore. It's a game-ritual, which brings us back from the existence of Facebook to the nature. It‘s a fascinating combination of ancient ritual and today's casual life, folk and modern humour, spooky impressions grounded with centuries-old mythical experience.
This is modern and performative play where creators and spectators act together by traveling among 7 colours, 7 qualities, 7 sounds and 7 rituals. This is a journey through 7 human energy centers, otherwise known as circles. Authentic sounding ancient instrumental and vocal music from various regions of Lithuania is combined with modern dance, animated symbols, where live music of national instruments and multipart songs is accompanied by symbolic, ritual actions.
„Artimos“ – troškimų, tapatybės ir meilės paieškų maskaradas, kuriame keturios jaunos moterys matuojasi įvairias socialines ir kultūrines kaukes. Įsisukusios į absurdiškas, sudėtingas situacijas jos laviruoja tarp saviraiškos ir visuomenės lūkesčių, įkūnydamos meilės kintamumą šiuolaikiniame pasaulyje. „Tai, kas vyksta scenoje, nebūtinai rimta – gali būti satyriška ar provokatyvu. Veikėjus, dirbant su šiuo spektakliu, norėjosi ne tiek atjausti ar užjausti, bet kaip tik pasijuokti iš absurdiškos jausminės painiavos, į kurią jie inertiškai įsitraukia.“ – teigia režisierius Povilas Barzdžius.
"And what's next?" We ask expecting a specific answer. However, you soon realize that there is no answer to this question. This contradiction becomes the starting point of the play "bowel".
Director Naubertas JASINSKAS for the performance "bowel" in 2022 was awarded the Golden Cross of the Stage, most important and honorable performing arts award in Lithuania as the best young artist.
Tėvo savižudybė, katalikybės ir siurrealizmo įtaka, bokso ir baleto paralelės, priklausomybė nuo opiumo, kelionė aplink pasaulį, hobis groti pianinu, draugystės su ypatingais to meto menininkais bei kūryba, poezija, drama, proza, kinas, teatras, cirkas, muzika ir visa kita – tai pagrindinės Cocteau gyvenimo temos, kurios tampa pagrindiniu laboratoriniu principu kuriamo audiovizualinio intermedialaus pasakojimo objektu.
Warm, intimate storytelling about the loss of the closest person, yet sarcastic critics of contemporary Western pseudo-spirituality. From contemporary Russian dramatist and Lithuanian director – both with budistic perseption and non-conformist approach to theatre.
Gaja-Mara is an interactive musical movement performance that tells the story of the time of light (Gaja) and dark (Mara) through folkloric holiday songs, games, rituals and folklore used in the ancient Baltic tradition.
Spektaklis skirtas visiems nuo 10 metų.
Paauglio Karolio gyvenimas – subtilus šokis tarp aistros kosmoso paslaptims ir iššūkių, susijusių su bendravimu. Autizmo spektro sutrikimą turintis Karolis suvokia pasaulį kaip didžiulę kakofoniją, kurioje kiekvienas garsas, skonis, prisilietimas ir kvapas yra sustiprintas, todėl mums įprasti dalykai jam atrodo svetimi. Saugiausia vieta jam yra kambarys – prieglobstis, kurį vaikinas paverčia kosminiu laivu, juo leidžiasi į nepaprastas keliones po tolimas planetas, ieškodamas savo (neuro)genties – bendruomenės, kuri jį iš tiesų suprastų.
There is a years-long bullying conflict between two classmates, Dan and Luthaurus. Love is also involved here - both like the same classmate. Everything takes a more complicated turn when during the party Dan in defense of his friend, calls Luthaurus a bastard, thus insulting his father, a school teacher.
Interactive educational performance for children 5-8 years old
The child is curious: "Where did I come from?", and you don't dare or don't know how to talk about it? The Kaunas City Chamber Theater offers a way out that makes it easier for parents and educators to talk about this "uncomfortable" topic. Bring your child to the cognitive education performance WHERE AM I FROM? and let him find out the whole truth about his origin through the magic of theatrical wonder!
Do you often think about the importance of considering climate change when planning a family? A couple is trying to make the most important decision in their lives - to have a child. They are educated, they sort waste, and care about the world's problems. They care about the future of humanity. And suddenly their family issue becomes particularly complicated. If you think too much, you will never make up your mind. If you rush, it can become a disaster. Conceiving a child requires good reasons. But what reasons are appropriate? And which will be destroyed first, the world or the relationship?
Haven't you got bored? There always something somehow doesn't fit. Nothing ever changes..? After all, isn't it just a time to make a decision, for what in your life you do the bet?
The performance presented in non-traditional spaces - libraries and bookstores tells about 32-year-old character who‘s suffering from a tragic accident in his teenage years. For half a decade, desperately seeking redemption, he tries to cope with pain and alienation.
Neo-gothic thriller tells a story about Katurian, a writer of short stories that often depict violence against children. He has been arrested by two detectives, Ariel and Tupolski, because some of his stories resemble recent child murders.
Combining realistic, macabric and puppet theatre, one of the most prominent Lithuanian theatre directors Gintaras Varnas asks us, is an artist responsible for murders, if they are committed according to his works?
Ar kada jautėte, kaip vaikystė vis tolsta, nors širdyje vis dar skraido vėjai? „Piteris Penas“ – pasaka suaugusiems, bet nebūtinai taip besijaučiantiems.
Įsivaizduokite: prieš Vendės akis vis šmėkšteli keistas berniukas. Jis aplanko kaip šnabždesys – švelnus kaip pavasarinis vėjas, tolimas kaip miražas. Ir kai Piteris pagaliau pasirodo visa savo esybe – žaismingas, nerūpestingas, kupinas paslapčių – mergaitė sulaukia pasiūlymo, kuriam jos nuotykių trokštanti širdis negali atsispirti.
Cosmological opera S‘ANATOMIA is a 12-part interactive act built on drone music. Such form is chosen due to contemporary research of acoustics and physics, as well as the newest tendencies of visual theatre.
A painful biographical conversation with three superwomen: Irma, Ernesta and Aistė. These women will reveal to us- uninteresting people, what does it mean to live without vision, to move in wheelchair, why dancing is easier than walking.
The performance space is adapted for people with reduced mobility.
Based on real stories of teenagers
Are superheroes born or do you can become one? How to be hero to yourself? What authorities to follow? How to become the better version of yourself? How to survive bullying? What is friendship and love? How to not be afraid of dreaming and always be yourself? These and other questions are posed by performance “Superheroes.“
Father and son story on generational differences and paternal influence on our decisions. How we choose our goals - according to our own ideals or those which are formed by our parents?
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