This is modern and performative play where creators and spectators act together by traveling among 7 colours, 7 qualities, 7 sounds and 7 rituals. This is a journey through 7 human energy centers, otherwise known as circles. Authentic sounding ancient instrumental and vocal music from various regions of Lithuania is combined with modern dance, animated symbols, where live music of national instruments and multipart songs is accompanied by symbolic, ritual actions.
"And what's next?" We ask expecting a specific answer. However, you soon realize that there is no answer to this question. This contradiction becomes the starting point of the play "bowel".
Director Naubertas JASINSKAS for the performance "bowel" in 2022 was awarded the Golden Cross of the Stage, most important and honorable performing arts award in Lithuania as the best young artist.
Tėvo savižudybė, katalikybės ir siurrealizmo įtaka, bokso ir baleto paralelės, priklausomybė nuo opiumo, kelionė aplink pasaulį, hobis groti pianinu, draugystės su ypatingais to meto menininkais bei kūryba, poezija, drama, proza, kinas, teatras, cirkas, muzika ir visa kita – tai pagrindinės Cocteau gyvenimo temos, kurios tampa pagrindiniu laboratoriniu principu kuriamo audiovizualinio intermedialaus pasakojimo objektu.
Gaja-Mara is an interactive musical movement performance that tells the story of the time of light (Gaja) and dark (Mara) through folkloric holiday songs, games, rituals and folklore used in the ancient Baltic tradition.
Cosmological opera S‘ANATOMIA is a 12-part interactive act built on drone music. Such form is chosen due to contemporary research of acoustics and physics, as well as the newest tendencies of visual theatre.
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