For soul


Golden Dragon (N-16)
Director: Agnius JANKEVIČIUS
Premiere: 2023 06 09
Tragicomedy is based on the play of the same title, written by German playwright Roland Schimmelphennig.

Director: Agnius JANKEVIČIUS
Premiere: September 2, 2016

Warm, intimate storytelling about the loss of the closest person, yet sarcastic critics of contemporary Western pseudo-spirituality. From contemporary Russian dramatist and Lithuanian director – both with budistic perseption and non-conformist approach to theatre.

  • Pramogai
Director: Justinas VINCIŪNAS
Premiere: 2023 sausio 27 d.
The action of the play is the Second World War, the French resistance movement. After a failed operation, the group of partisans caught and locked in the attic faces physical and psychological torture. It is this borderline state that crystallizes essential fears and clearly reveals their self-defense methods.
Director: Gytis PADEGIMAS
Premiere: March 16, 2018

The performance presented in non-traditional spaces - libraries and bookstores tells about 32-year-old character who‘s suffering from a tragic accident in his teenage years. For half a decade, desperately seeking redemption, he tries to cope with pain and alienation.

  • Stipru
The Pillowman
Director: Gintaras VARNAS
Premiere: September 8, 2017

Neo-gothic thriller tells a story about  Katurian, a writer of short stories that often depict violence against children. He has been arrested by two detectives, Ariel and Tupolski, because some of his stories resemble recent child murders.

Combining realistic, macabric and puppet theatre, one of the most prominent Lithuanian theatre directors Gintaras Varnas asks us, is an artist responsible for murders, if they are committed according to his works?

  • Stipru
Director: Jonas KUPREVIČIUS
Premiere: 2023 m. vasario 23, 24, 15 d.
"Pool. Without water" is a play dedicated to a young person examining his own relationship with art.
  • Stipru

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