

Director: Karolina ŽERNYTĖ
Premiere: May 10, 2017
Ritual of theatre of sences, which carefully removes our social masks, unlocking feminine nature by studiously selected scents, sounds, touches and movements. Only for 15 women.
  • Terapijai
Director: Naubertas JASINSKAS
Premiere: June 15, 2021

"And what's next?" We ask expecting a specific answer. However, you soon realize that there is no answer to this question. This contradiction becomes the starting point of the play "bowel".

Director Naubertas JASINSKAS for the performance "bowel" in 2022 was awarded the Golden Cross of the Stage, most important and honorable performing arts award in Lithuania as the best young artist.

  • Socialinis
  • English Friendly
Director: Žilvinas VINGELIS

Tėvo savižudybė, katalikybės ir siurrealizmo įtaka, bokso ir baleto paralelės, priklausomybė nuo opiumo, kelionė aplink pasaulį, hobis groti pianinu, draugystės su ypatingais to meto menininkais bei kūryba, poezija, drama, proza, kinas, teatras, cirkas, muzika ir visa kita – tai pagrindinės Cocteau gyvenimo temos, kurios tampa pagrindiniu laboratoriniu principu kuriamo audiovizualinio intermedialaus pasakojimo objektu.

Director: Žilvinas VINGELIS
Premiere: May 20-21, 2020
Visual live music performance for teens and adults KAFKA INSOMNIA tells a realistically dreamy story of a sleepless night by Czech writer Franc Kafka. Wakeful dreaming – is it a creative method, a lifestyle, a consequence of illness or the core reason of genius literature by Kafka? A dream created by insomnia and invading tangible reality, makes F. Kafka’s work conditional, full of unexpected images, extended feeling of time, premature absurd, existentialism or even surrealistic approach leading step by step with consistent descriptions, common in the school of realism.
  • Aštru
  • English Friendly
Premiere: August 25,26, 2021

Cosmological opera S‘ANATOMIA is a 12-part interactive act built on drone music. Such form is chosen due to contemporary research of acoustics and physics, as well as the newest tendencies of visual theatre.

  • Terapijai

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